
Configurable product swatches not displayed disabled out when out of stock

In this article, we are going to fix the problem:

If the attribute is text swatch then out of stock products does not display as disabled in magento2.

Let’s follow the steps :-

Step 1: Enable “Display Out of Stock Products” settings

Login into the admin panel, Then Store -> Configuration -> Catalog -> Inventory and then

Display Out of Stock Products – Yes



Then Lets build the module to show out of stock options as disabled..

Step 2: Create and Declare the Module

Create the following folders in the magento project root directory (ex. – C:\xampp\htdocs\magento2):

  • app/code/Thecoachsmb
  • app/code/Thecoachsmb/OutOfSTockProducts

It is necessary to create app/code/Thecoachsmb/OutOfSTockProducts/etc folder and add the module.xml file in it.

The content would be : –

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<config xmlns:xsi="" xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="urn:magento:framework:Module/etc/module.xsd">
<module name="Thecoachsmb_OutOfSTockProducts" > 
         <module name="Magento_Swatches"/> 

Step 3: Registration of Module

To register the module, create a registration.php file in the  app/code/Thecoachsmb/OutOfSTockProducts

Contents would be:


Step 4: Extend the Js file

To register the module, create a requirejs-config.js file in the app/code/Thecoachsmb/OutOfSTockProducts/view/frontend/

Contents would be:

var config = {
    config: {
        mixins: {
            'Magento_Swatches/js/swatch-renderer': {
                'Thecoachsmb_OutOfSTockProducts/js/swatch-renderer-mixin': true

Step 5: Show out of stock products in grey disabled

To register the module, create a swatch-renderer-mixin.js file in the app/code/Thecoachsmb/OutOfSTockProducts/view/frontend/web/js

Contents would be:

], function ($) {
    'use strict';
    return function (widget) {
        console.log('Hello from SwatchExtend');
        $.widget('mage.SwatchRenderer', widget, {
            _RenderSwatchOptions: function (config, controlId) {
                var optionConfig = this.options.jsonSwatchConfig[],
                    optionClass = this.options.classes.optionClass,
                    sizeConfig = this.options.jsonSwatchImageSizeConfig,
                    moreLimit = parseInt(this.options.numberToShow, 10),
                    moreClass = this.options.classes.moreButton,
                    moreText = this.options.moreButtonText,
                    salableId = this.options.jsonConfig.salable[],
                    countAttributes = 0,
                    html = '';

                if (!this.options.jsonSwatchConfig.hasOwnProperty( {
                    return '';

                $.each(config.options, function (index) {
                    var id,
                    if (!optionConfig.hasOwnProperty( {
                        return '';

                    // Add more button
                    if (moreLimit === countAttributes++) {
                        html += '<a href="#" class="' + moreClass + '"><span>' + moreText + '</span></a>';

                    id =;
                    type = parseInt(optionConfig[id].type, 10);
                    value = optionConfig[id].hasOwnProperty('value') ?
                        $('<i></i>').text(optionConfig[id].value).html() : '';

                    thumb = optionConfig[id].hasOwnProperty('thumb') ? optionConfig[id].thumb : '';
                    width = _.has(sizeConfig, 'swatchThumb') ? sizeConfig.swatchThumb.width : 110;
                    height = _.has(sizeConfig, 'swatchThumb') ? sizeConfig.swatchThumb.height : 90;
                    label = this.label ? $('<i></i>').text(this.label).html() : '';

                    attr =
                        ' id="' + controlId + '-item-' + id + '"' +
                        ' index="' + index + '"' +
                        ' aria-checked="false"' +
                        ' aria-describedby="' + controlId + '"' +
                        ' tabindex="0"' +
                        ' data-option-type="' + type + '"' +
                        ' data-option-id="' + id + '"' +
                        ' data-option-label="' + label + '"' +
                        ' aria-label="' + label + '"' +
                        ' role="option"' +
                        ' data-thumb-width="' + width + '"' +
                        ' data-thumb-height="' + height + '"';

                    attr += thumb !== '' ? ' data-option-tooltip-thumb="' + thumb + '"' : '';
                    attr += value !== '' ? ' data-option-tooltip-value="' + value + '"' : '';
                    swatchImageWidth = _.has(sizeConfig, 'swatchImage') ? sizeConfig.swatchImage.width : 30;
                    swatchImageHeight = _.has(sizeConfig, 'swatchImage') ? sizeConfig.swatchImage.height : 20;

                    if (!this.hasOwnProperty('products') || this.products.length <= 0) {
                        attr += ' data-option-empty="true"';

                    if (type === 0) {
                        // Text
                        var disableCss = '';
                        if (!salableId[]) {
                            disableCss = 'style="pointer-events:none; background:grey; opacity:0.4;"';

                        html += '<div ' + disableCss + ' class="' + optionClass + ' text" ' + attr + '>' + (value ? value : label) +
                    } else if (type === 1) {
                        // Color
                        html += '<div class="' + optionClass + ' color" ' + attr +
                            ' style="background: ' + value +
                            ' no-repeat center; background-size: initial;">' + '' +
                    } else if (type === 2) {
                        // Image
                        html += '<div class="' + optionClass + ' image" ' + attr +
                            ' style="background: url(' + value + ') no-repeat center; background-size: initial;width:' +
                            swatchImageWidth + 'px; height:' + swatchImageHeight + 'px">' + '' +
                    } else if (type === 3) {
                        // Clear
                        html += '<div class="' + optionClass + '" ' + attr + '></div>';
                    } else {
                        // Default
                        html += '<div class="' + optionClass + '" ' + attr + '>' + label + '</div>';
                return html;

        return $.mage.SwatchRenderer;



Run the below command

php bin/magento se:up && php bin/magento se:s:d -f

You will get the output as below



In this article, we have implemented the functionality of showing out of stock products on the frontend.

Hope this article will help you !!

Thank You.

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