
New Magento update 2.4.6 Released, but why?

Magento 2.4.6 is released Today, 14th March 2023. When there are so many release of Magento2, why one more release?

New Magento update 2.4.6 Released, but why?

There are so many reasons behind releasing Magento update 2.4.6. Lets understand them:-

  1. This magento 2.4.6 update release includes over 300 quality fixes and enhancements.
  2. Adobe Commerce 2.4.6 introduces support for PHP 8.2. PHP 8.1 remains fully supported. No more PHP 7.4 support.
  3. Core Composer dependencies and third-party libraries have been upgraded to the latest versions with new magneto 2.4.6.
  4. Outdated JavaScript libraries have been updated to their latest versions, and outdated dependencies have been removed.
  5. Symfony dependencies have been upgraded to the new LTS version.
  6. Fixed hundreds of issues in the Adobe Commerce 2.4.6 core code
  7. jquery-migrate has been removed from the Commerce codebase.

Newly released Magento update 2.4.6 Installation Requirement

Adobe Commerce 2.4.6 now supports:

  • Composer 2.2.x. Composer 1.x has been removed.
  • Use Redis 7.0.x. Redis 6.2 is expected to reach end of life in 2024.
  • This release supports OpenSearch v2.x and has been tested with OpenSearch 2.5. Although compatibility with OpenSearch 1.x remains, we recommend using this release with OpenSearch 2.x.
  • ElasticSearch 8.x
  • MariaDB 10.6 (LTS version). This release is still compatible with MariaDB 10.4, but we recommend upgrading to MariaDB 10.6.

Adobe Commerce 2.4.6 highlights

  • Security enhancements

This release includes eight security fixes and platform security improvements. Most of issues require that an attacker first obtains access to the Admin. To avoid that, we remind you to take all necessary steps to protect your Admin in magneto 2.4.6.

    • IP allowlisting
    • Two-factor authentication
    • Use of a VPN
    • Use of a unique location rather than /admin
    • Good password hygiene
  • Platform enhancements

Now new released updated version Magento 2.4.6. uses updated versions of PHP, Composer, Elastisearch, Mysql, etc platforms.

  • B2B

The Purchase Orders for Companies feature is now fully exposed by the GraphQL API.

  • Braintree
    • The Pay Later button and banners (messages) for Italy and Spain have been enabled for Braintree.
    • PayLater messaging with PayPal Vault has been enabled.
    • Added Fraud Protection and ACH web hooks.
    • Added LPM (Local Payment Methods) web hook.
  • Page Builder

Page Builder v.1.7.3 is compatible with Adobe Commerce 2.4.6.

  • PWA Studio

PWA Studio v.13.0.x is compatible with Adobe Commerce 2.4.6.

  • Accessibility used in Newly released magneto 2.4.6
    • The Proceed to CheckoutReview Order, and Place Order buttons in the checkout workflow now work as expected with keyboard input.
    • Visual indication of focus on buttons when using TAB or SHIFT + TAB to navigate through page controls now works as expected.
    • Screen readers – The screen reader for the order history page now reads the correct image description.
  • Cache
    • Full-page cache is no longer flushed after order fulfillment unless the ordered product is out of stock.
    • Previously, the cache was purged for the category whenever a shipment was created.
  • Cart and checkout
    • Shoppers can now add an additional item to their cart when their cart contains the minimum quantity of the simple product.
    • REST API calls to retrieve cart data now return the same grand_totaland base_grand_total values when the store currency and base currency are the same. GitHub-34649
    • The exported value of Maximum Qty Allowed in Shopping Cart now matches the default value set in the Admin configuration setting.
    • Adobe Commerce now correctly calculates the grand total for refunds of orders with a discount for shipping.
  • Coupons
    • Validation logic has been added to the Manage Coupon Codes workflow to enforce the coupon code settings when generating coupons. Previously, coupon code generation ignored the Code Length setting when the Coupon Qty value was greater than 2500.
    • Reward points are now added to a customer’s account as expected when a rewards coupon is applied during checkout with the PayPal Express payment method.
  • cron
    • The catalog_index_refresh_price cron job now executes successfully.
  • Inventory Management with updated released magento version 2.4.6
    • Configurable product options are now displayed as expected as out of stock on the storefront if the option was created with quantity set to 0 and Display out-of-stock products is enabled.
    • Category page caches are no longer invalidated when stock quantity changes if the product still in stock.
    • The category list product count is now correct when using Inventory in single-source mode with the Display Out-Of-Stock Products setting enabled.
    • Adobe Commerce now checks whether a product is salable when counting.
    • The value for the Allow Multiple Boxes for Shipping attribute for a product in Advanced Inventory is work properly.

In this magento2.4.6 release, hundreds of fixes has been done, You can read more about the updates in Magento2.4.6 here

Install Magento 2.4.5 or Magento 2.4.6 on Ubuntu 22.04 [Complete Guide]

Install Magento 2.4.4 or Magento 2.4.5 or Magento 2.4.6 on Windows- Step By Step Guide

Happy Learning !!


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