Product Image not display in the Caraousel or Slider Magento2

Are you facing issue of product image not displaying in the Slider or Caraousel in Magento2?

One of the possible reason could be that product image path shows %5C instead of /. To fix this, I have following solutions:-

  1. Overrite the vendor\magento\module-page-builder\view\frontend\templates\catalog\product\widget\content\carousel.phtml file in your custom theme.
  2. Replace the line
<?= $block->getImage($_item, $image)->toHtml() ?>


<img src="<?php echo $_item->getMediaConfig()->getMediaUrl($_item->getImage()) ?>" loading="lazy" width="240px" height="240px" />

Then Clear cache. Refresh the Page, you will see the product images on the Page.

That’s it !!