If you are facing issue of “We can’t find products matching the selection” Error after migration.
To resolve these issues, you should look into the var/log/exception.log. In exception.log file, if it shows an issue with the configuration of a custom attribute.
The attribute was set to a type of text for the attribute custom_attribute in the eav_attribute table, but is_filterable set to 1 in the catalog_eav_attribute table. Setting this value to to 0 and reindexing/clearing cache allowed the category pages to load as expected.
Get misconfigured attributes:
sql command
select * from catalog_eav_attribute cea join eav_attribute ea on ea.attribute_id = cea.attribute_id and backend_type in ('text', 'varchar') where cea.is_filterable = 1
and Set is_filterable to 0 to allow category pages to load.
update catalog_eav_attribute cea join eav_attribute ea on ea.attribute_id = cea.attribute_id and backend_type in ('text', 'varchar') set cea.is_filterable = 0 where cea.is_filterable = 1
Run below commands to Reindex/Refresh Cache
magento indexer:reindex magento cache:clean magento cache:flush